3H34N Flipper Zero Board (Three in One – CC1101/NRF24L01/ESP32)
I'm thrilled to announce that the PCB for the Flipper Zero board has been successfully completed. This design integrates three modules into a single board.

The NRF24L01 module is used for mouse jacking and operates on the Bluetooth frequency. Please note that when using Bluetooth, the NRF24L01 conflicts with the CC1101, so it’s necessary to remove the CC1101 from the board, using pin headers.
Requirements for Board:
NRF24L01+PA+LNA Module
CC1101 Module
ESP32-WROOM-32 - CP2102 Chip - 30pin Module
3 Way 2.54MM DIP switch
2x4 Pins header Female
2x4 Pins header Female
Female Header 2.54mm single row 15 Pin
Female Header 2.54mm single row 15 Pin
Strengths: Simple, affordable, portable module; three-in-one design.
Weaknesses: The NRF24L01 conflicts with the CC1101.
A special thanks to my friends Reza and Pouya for their participation and support throughout this journey.
CC1101/NRF24L01/ESP32 for Flipper Zero
Designed by 3H34N